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KPEX KitchenAid Pasta Excellence Set

KPEX KitchenAid Pasta Excellence SetIf you love flat pasta (and who doesn’t?), the KPEX KitchenAid Pasta Excellence set is your ticket to pure heaven on earth. With a selection of six KitchenAid pasta attachments (all powered by your mixer), you’ll never be at a loss when trying to please all the pasta lovers in your family. Better yet, make your pasta in advance and freeze it for carefree entertaining. Your guests will be smacking their lips and throwing admiring glances your way, while you remain cool as a cucumber – your KPEX safely hidden in the pantry!

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Meet the KPEX KitchenAid Pasta Maker Set

The KPEX combines three KitchenAid pasta sets:
* KSMPRA Pasta Sheet Roller and Cutter Set
* KSMPCA Pasta Cutter Companion Set
* KRAV Ravioli Maker

These attachments are not washable. Simply let them air dry for one hour, then use the cleaning brush provided to remove any dried dough. A little hand-tapping and a toothpick might help. Polish with a soft, dry cloth and store attachment pieces at room temperature in a dry area.

Pasta Roller: 9 3/4″L x 3 1/4″W x 2″D; weighs 3 lbs
Ravioli Maker: 11″W x 4 1/4″D x 3 3/4″H; weighs 4 lbs
Angel Hair Cutter: 8 3/4″L x 3″W x 2″D; weighs 2 1/2 lbs
Thick Noodle Cutter: 8 3/4″L x 3″W x 2″D; weighs 2 1/2 lbs
Spaghetti Cutter: 8 3/4″L x 3″W x 2″D; weighs 2 lbs
Fettuccine Cutter: 8 3/4″L x 3″W x 2″D; weighs 2 1/2 lbs

KPEX KitchenAid Pasta Set Reviews

The KitchenAid KPEX Pasta Excellence Set with 6 Different Attachments offers quality construction and great pasta style flexibility. The great majority of customers rave about the KPEX, stating that “this is a must have for your kitchen aid mixer” if you truly love pasta. Many even boast that they “will never buy boxed pasta again”. They also find these attachments easy to use and clean.
Click here for the complete set.

Fettuccine par excellence!While it is true that the KPEX may be the most expensive of the KitchenAid pasta attachments sets, it is also the most complete. For real pasta lovers, it is certainly more cost effective to bite the bullet and purchase this whole set than to buy one piece at a time. In the long run, you will save over store bought pasta – not to mention the possible health benefits.

This KitchenAid pasta maker attachment is a true cornucopia of pasta possibilities: lasagna, spaghetti, fettuccini, thick egg noodles, angel hair pasta, ravioli are all yours to enjoy with this pasta specialty kit. Make fresh pasta dough sheets with the included pasta sheet roller and feed them into the cutters of your choice – or fill the ravioli maker with cheese, spinach, or meat filling and form wide pockets of fresh ravioli. Sit back and enjoy!

Check out what other KitchenAid attachments can transform your stand mixer into a culinary wizard.

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