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A Toast to Pumpkin Drinks!

Pumpkin drinksIt may surprise you to hear that next to apple, pumpkin drinks are some of the most popular fall alcoholic drinks.

Not entirely surprising, as they rely heavily on pumpkin pie spices, a winning combination of flavors which can be found in many seasonal comfort foods.

Mix together cinnamon, ginger, nutmeg, cloves (and maybe allspice for that added je ne sais quoi), and somehow you end up with the perfect blend of what North American autumns should taste like if only you could taste them!

Here are four ways to introduce that spice combo into some autumn drinks and turn them into bewitching fall party drinks…

Pumpkin Spice Ice Cream Punch

Did you know that you can buy ready-made, fall-flavored caramel or pumpkin spice vodka?

Start with 3 shots of plain or fancy vodka. Add 3 ounces of cream soda and 2 ounces of pumpkin ice cream. Stir well and sprinkle with a pinch of pumpkin spice.

Pumpkin Spice Vodka Cocktail

Fall coffee drinks have been gaining in popularity, so it’s only natural that pumpkin spice eventually sneaked its way in.

Start by chilling 56 ounces of coffee till almost frozen. Add 1 ounce of Kahlua and 1 ounce of vodka.

Top with ¾ cups of whipping cream and finish with a sprinkle of pumpkin spice.

Banana Pumpkin Whip

Banana and pumpkin pair well together. Add pumpkin spice for a perfect seasonal drink.

Simple to make though not for the faint of heart, stir together 1 ounce of chilled banana liqueur, 2 ounces of chilled pumpkin liqueur and 1 ounce of whipping cream. Add a pinch of pumpkin spice and stir.

Pumpkin Spice White Russian

For a fall variation of the White Russian, combine 1½ cups of whole milk, ½ cup of vodka, ½ cup of good quality coffee liquor, and add ½ teaspoon of pumpkin spice.

For a dairy-free alternative, simply substitute almond milk.

Find lip-smacking fall food ideas and recipes to serve with these fabulous drinks.

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