Without a doubt, Halloween baked goodies are the most anticipated part of a Halloween meal. Sure, candy and costumes are the highlight of the day, but trick-or-treating is no fun on an empty stomach. The thing is, desserts are time consuming to prepare – specially when decoration is involved. And this special day certainly gives Christmas a run for its money on that score.
But Halloween is almost here, so there’s no time to lose! Which is why I am going to let Anna Olson take over with her wagon load of inspiration for Halloween goodies. Have a ball baking with Anna!
Witches’ Cauldron Cake Pops
First, some cakelets made to look like suckers to amuse the kids:
Creepy Halloween Desserts: Spider Macarons
Who doesn’t love biting into a sweet, softly crunchy macaroon? Certainly no one I know of. So why not surprise the adults with super tasty, sophisticated – if slightly creepy – macaroon spiders. My very favorites!
Bundt Cake Disguised as a Pumpkin
Here’s a simple centerpiece made with two bundt cakes. Not only delicious, but this pumpkin will literally ‘make’ your Halloween table.
Batty Chocolate Mint Cheesecake
Feeling a little batty and prepared to go out on a limb? Combine silly and delicious in this stunning slimy cheesecake.
Making Black Food Coloring
Sure, you can expedite the whole thing and simply purchase pre-made black frosting from your nearest baking store. But why take the risk and more than likely end up ruining the taste of your baked goodies? Making truly black icing is no easy feat, but here’s a simple way to achieve a dark, evil looking icing for your next Halloween masterpieces without compromising taste.
Make sure you first mix a dark chocolate icing. This definitely will not work with a light icing so, if you are starting with a vanilla icing, simply add 3/4 cup of cocoa powder to a full recipe – the darker, the better. Actually, the same thing applies when you want to paint a dark wall: start with a dark primer, and you’re likely to only need one coat of dark paint instead of two or three.
Using a toothpick, add black gel food coloring; Wilton’s Icing Gel is well known. You will only need a small amount or it will affect taste. Your icing will turn a sickly looking dark grey perfect for the effect you want to achieve. It is widely used by cake decorators as it will not change the consistency of your icing.
Spooky black bats, black cats & witches’ hats… BOO!